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I am a Northern Irish Artist and Designer from and currently based in Northern Ireland. My work focuses on the natural landscapes surrounding us, and the native wildlife found within it. My love of landscape is what has always inspired my work and while studying for my degree this led to discoveries of why we're so connected to the natural world and its importance in art. Being able to connect to nature through art, is what my work is about. I like to combine reality with the abstract creating work that is part memory part imagination.


As a Northern Irish Artist, I studied a Foundation Degree in Art and Design at Belfast School of Art graduating in 2017, before moving to Plymouth to study Textile Design at Arts University Plymouth graduating in 2021. Studying textiles has allowed me to develop and expand my artistic skill set which has helped to strengthen my drawing and painting which are my preferred mediums.


You can keep up to date with all my latest designs on Facebook and Instagram. Please feel free to contact me if you would like a bespoke design.



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